Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Virginia Tech Coverage

When I first heard about the shootings at Virginia Tech, I was driving to my 3pm class, Memory and Cognition. It was the only class I had that day, so I was out of touch with the world, my brain was in psychology mode, not in my journalism mode. The weird thing was, I was actually listening to the radio and not my iPod. After I heard the news, I immediately wanted to rush to my lap top and look at all the news outlets, blogs and multimedia packages. I also had a sense of urgency to write my own thoughts and reactions to the event on this blog. Unfortunately I never quite made it around to doing it on my own, that’s why I was rather excited about Prof Stevens giving us this assignment.

As I watched the events unfold and heard and saw the major role the Internet played in the development of this story, I wasn’t that surprised. I was actually disappointed I didn’t first hear about it through the web. It was fascinating to see the role that blogging played as that horrible day unfolded. There were rumors of media students barricaded in a classroom blogging while the events occurred. There were major news outlets such as The New York Times linking to the Virginia Tech newspaper run by students. This was convergent media at its best.

I recently discovered the power and magic of blogging due to Prof Stevens, so in the aftermath of the shooting, my curiosity was not in how CNN or FOX News covered the story, to me that would be rather predictable. I was concerned with the students my age, their reactions, story telling and emotions.

So, I found this page done by the Washington Post where they have rounded up most of the blogs done by Virgina Tech students since the incident, and its just fascinating to read the entries. They range from fear to anger to hope.

This one grad student, "silvertongue1" used her blog to tell her family and friends she was safe. The immediacy of the Internet is just so important in instances such as this. All she needed was her computer and an Internet connection and boom, her family was at ease about her safety. She was able to publicly document her safety and reactions to the event. In her blog she tells of the scary events occurring outside her window and says she can hear the messages over the weather loudspeaker telling her to remain indoors. The neat thing is as she writes her blog she refers to watching CNN and recognizing the pictures being shown.
"I know the places they're showing on TV. It's just surreal. Blacksburg is 'the country.' Things like this just shouldn't happen here."

Another student, "aciel" expressed in his online journal his concern for his two friends who were uncounted for. He explained he had just attended a sorority function with his friend, Maxine the preceding Friday night and she had German class that morning in Norris. One of the classrooms with many deaths. He wrote about her mom searching for her daughter in the hospital and not finding her. This just hits me as so real, so raw. Here is a student using his blog to gather information on the whereabouts of his friends.

I know there is a huge debate on blogs as real journalism or just amateur reporting and writing. Journalism is balanced reporting of the facts, no biases, no slants, just facts. Yet this type of Journalism is dying. That's why ratings are at an all time low for networks. That's why Katie Couric was brought to the nightly news, to boost ratings, but guess what, its not working!

Viewers like emotions, debates and opinions along with the facts. That is why shows such as The View and all the many political talk shows are surviving. They offer excitement, arguments and facts. Therefore, blogs which offer opinions along with emotions, facts and reactions can be seen as a news outlet. I feel that the Virgina Tech shootings will help push blogs into the public eye as an important medium for the exchange of facts, questions, opinions and answers.

Now don't get me wrong, I completely understand that many bloggers can lie, exaggerate and not give all the facts. There are no regulations to blogging and I feel that will soon change, at least blogging connected to the exchange of newsworthy events. But before that does happen, as a fellow reader and blogger just be aware of the publisher. I know I take great pride in what I write and publish and I hope others feel the same way.

So, to all you fellow bloggers, please keep writing but with honesty, integrity, wit, charm and caution.