Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My Road to the Miss Texas competition…

“Your road to glory will be rocky but fulfilling.”

This is what my fortune cookie revealed to me while I was having some edamame at Pei Wei the other day. Don’t worry I didn’t have anything else, seeing as how I am still working on my swimsuit figure. But this message has been resounding within my head ever since I read the little fortune; I even saved it in my planner, and believe me, I am no way superstitious. I don’t really view the message in a superstitious way, like if I read it out loud it wouldn’t come true, or if I read it before I had finished eating my cookie the fortune would disappear.

Instead it’s a reminder, a special note written just for me by the gods of fate to keep my eye on the prize, my goal and my dream of becoming Miss Texas. A wise woman once said to me “the second you take your eye off of the prize that is when all of the barriers and obstacles overwhelm you.” They rush in like flood waters with no mercy for what you have built.

So, this little note, probably written and manufactured in some dirty stuffy factory in China, by a clueless soul as to the fate that awaited this one fortune has plagued me. It has aided in my return to the narrow road a competitor, an athlete, a boxer must walk to win the prize, mine just happens to be a crown and endless possibilities to impact people’s lives.

I usually don’t like to tell people I compete in pageants for fear I’ll be labeled a “pageant girl,” stuck-up, bossy, spoiled and materialistic, but ya know, isn’t that the stereotype given to most females anyhow? At least to any female driven by a passion and a dream that is not of the norm.

So, the cats out of the bag; I’m a proud pageant girl in training for a competition, actually beginning the competition tonight. But getting here has not been easy. I have fallen, stumbled, lost my way, rediscovered my passions and have built the best support group to which I could never thank enough.

And I'm not only talking my immediate family, my parents and brother to so much for me, but I did dedicate my last blog primarily to them, so I'm sending out a quick thanks to them.

But now I want to thank those who never had to help me, who didn't really know what they were getting into when they said "yes I'll help you, Mercy, prepare for Miss Texas." They had no idea of what they were getting into and much less with me at the forefront driving this pageant machine. Yet, they faltered, lost faith in me, and stayed to the very end.

For one, my fitness sponsors, Express Fitness Club with Trevor, Gerard, Cherri, Sam, Mo and Jacob. Yall have not only made me look good but yall make me feel good and thats what working out and a gym is all about. It really is a community at Express Fitness and would have never wanted to go anywhere else.

David Medina, you are a blessing and a joy to have in my life. We are fellow SMU alumnae and my favorite dancing partner. You have never said no to anything I've asked and have always placed a smile on my face with your fabulous ideas.

have But most importantly my HEB board and my family. I'm going to have to make this quick because blogs that go too long get boring and I could probably go on for days about yall. But my momma Linda, my lil Chris and my Aunt Gigi...yall have supported me in every possible way a person can be supported. Yall have loved me in every possible way one can express love. Yall disciplined me, encouraged me and tolerated me and my off the wall way of doing things.

I would not be here today if yall had not come into my life. Thank you.

Its important to always remember, you can't really know where your going until you know where you have been. So, I was looking through old photos and remembered back to October when I won the title of Miss Hurst Euless Bedford and can know see my journey coming full circle.

I thought it would be fun to share them.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

So I graduated...

This year marks a milestone for me, I graduated from SMU with two majors and a minor. Last Saturday, May 19, 2007, I walked the stage in front of the Owens Fine Arts Center and was handed a diploma from the Meadows School of the Arts. All of my family and friends have been telling me this is a huge feat and I know that, but honestly the diploma, the degree means little compared to the lessons I have learned in the last four years. SMU has not only offered me one of the finest educations in the nation but it has enabled to grow into the person I am today.

The lessons I have learned in college are priceless, especially this last year, senior year. I have made amazing new friendships, lost some old ones, discovered what keeps me going and how much my family really does mean to me. You see, I am not a first generation American, I didn't even become an American citizen until I was 13 but growing up here in the US, I always wanted to go to college. My mom and dad understood that and sacrificed everything to get me to there, to pay for my tuition, my apartment and sorority.

I remember as a freshman, my mom one day decided to sell her Lexus SUV to help pay for my SMU, at the time I was speechless, I got it, but I didn't. You see my education was more important than a car, my dream was more important than a label.

The American Dream was what mattered most to my mom, my American dream and my family's American dream: to graduate from an American University and I did it! I am the first in my family to do this and it feels so surreal. I didn't do it alone, so I want to say thank you to everyone who helped me make it; yall know who you are.

But anyways, speaking of the fine education SMU offered me, I received the neatest advice during the ceremony from our new dean, Dean Bowen. He started off with the very cliche advice of practice, practice, practice in order to get to Carnegie Hall. Of course this is great advice, but I've heard it many times from my mom, Linda and Gigi but it was this next thing that hit home.

Mr Bowen said practice is one thing, a social support network is necessary but honesty is the third. Self honesty that is. And it was like "duh," a light bulb totally went off.

As artists, as creative minds our "art" is on display. Whether you are writing, composing, painting or dancing, it is open to praise and criticism, and criticism hurts but its what makes you grow, evolve and create the best work you can. So self honesty is probably the main ingredient because you are your own worst critic. You have to be realistic, open to change but never loose faith in yourself. Well that just sounds impossible.

So, in order to be a successful artist, you have to one never loose faith in yourself but also have self honesty? How so? Well practice for one and that whole social support thing is vital. Everyone needs cheerleaders, encouragers and those people who just tell ya to shut-up and get the job done. So, Dean Bowen thanks for those final words of wisdom.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Theres always next year...

Ok, so by now everyone should know the terrible turnout of yesterdays Mavericks game. I personally did all I could to help them out and in the process lost my voice. I guess I thought that would make a difference.

So, immediately this morning I ran to Mark Cuban's blog, which I consider important to keep up with. Especially if you live in Dallas. I mean its one of the most popular blogs, in most search engines it will pop up in the top ten most popular blogs because lets face it, Mark Cuban is a smart guy. I mean , he did create the Dallas Maverick brand, machine and trend. The mavs are the most popular team in the nation and after last night they are even more popular, given to the negative publicity now surrounding them.

Well I checked blogmaverick because I thought Cuban would have posted a response to the this season and the playoffs, which many reporters know most of his comments and quotes in the media come directly from his blog. But nothing. And I guess it was dumb of me to assume he would make a comment. He doesn't need to and its also too soon to respond without your emotions getting the better of you, which we have all seen happen to him.

So, since I didn't get his view on the series except for his vague comment last night in which he said they would "not blow everything up." Meaning no drastic changes would be made to the team, which I totally support. They have a great formula going, they just have trouble in the playoffs. They can't seem to function under pressure, which is vital for anyone to succeed in the hard world of competition.

So I began to think, our society thrives on competition, its what makes our nation so great; we have winners and losers. We have success and failure. We have ups and downs. My economics teacher, W. Michael Cox taught me an important lesson when it came to our economy. We thrive because we have a competitive market. Human beings need competition to achieve great things. That's why socialism and communism have failed throughout history, it removes competition and the need to thrive among your peers.

The trick is learning to compete. Training, practicing, studying, whatever it is that you compete in, you must master. There is a psychological theory, the Yerkes-Dodson law, which demonstrates an empirical relationship between arousal and performance. It says that performance increases with cognitive arousal, but only to a certain point. When the levels of arousal become too high, performance will decrease. Even if its a mastered task, too much arousal can lead to a decreased performance. Maybe for the mavericks, the playoffs are so hyped up, Dirk has the added pressure of the crowd yelling M-V-P and they just put so much pressure on themselves to deliver, they caved in.

I mean, Lord knows I would definitely buckle under that much pressure. The mavs were probably facing some difficult mental games. The coach of the Golden State Warriors was a former mavs coach, he trained Dirk, he knew us inside and out. That in itself is hard to overcome and then all of the previous mentioned stressors. Winning would be hard.

So, there is always next year.

Moving to myspace at last...

Check out my new myspace page at myspace.com/mercymorales

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Its Go Time...

Everyone support the Mavericks as they have two more wins to go!! I believe!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Virginia Tech Coverage

When I first heard about the shootings at Virginia Tech, I was driving to my 3pm class, Memory and Cognition. It was the only class I had that day, so I was out of touch with the world, my brain was in psychology mode, not in my journalism mode. The weird thing was, I was actually listening to the radio and not my iPod. After I heard the news, I immediately wanted to rush to my lap top and look at all the news outlets, blogs and multimedia packages. I also had a sense of urgency to write my own thoughts and reactions to the event on this blog. Unfortunately I never quite made it around to doing it on my own, that’s why I was rather excited about Prof Stevens giving us this assignment.

As I watched the events unfold and heard and saw the major role the Internet played in the development of this story, I wasn’t that surprised. I was actually disappointed I didn’t first hear about it through the web. It was fascinating to see the role that blogging played as that horrible day unfolded. There were rumors of media students barricaded in a classroom blogging while the events occurred. There were major news outlets such as The New York Times linking to the Virginia Tech newspaper run by students. This was convergent media at its best.

I recently discovered the power and magic of blogging due to Prof Stevens, so in the aftermath of the shooting, my curiosity was not in how CNN or FOX News covered the story, to me that would be rather predictable. I was concerned with the students my age, their reactions, story telling and emotions.

So, I found this page done by the Washington Post where they have rounded up most of the blogs done by Virgina Tech students since the incident, and its just fascinating to read the entries. They range from fear to anger to hope.

This one grad student, "silvertongue1" used her blog to tell her family and friends she was safe. The immediacy of the Internet is just so important in instances such as this. All she needed was her computer and an Internet connection and boom, her family was at ease about her safety. She was able to publicly document her safety and reactions to the event. In her blog she tells of the scary events occurring outside her window and says she can hear the messages over the weather loudspeaker telling her to remain indoors. The neat thing is as she writes her blog she refers to watching CNN and recognizing the pictures being shown.
"I know the places they're showing on TV. It's just surreal. Blacksburg is 'the country.' Things like this just shouldn't happen here."

Another student, "aciel" expressed in his online journal his concern for his two friends who were uncounted for. He explained he had just attended a sorority function with his friend, Maxine the preceding Friday night and she had German class that morning in Norris. One of the classrooms with many deaths. He wrote about her mom searching for her daughter in the hospital and not finding her. This just hits me as so real, so raw. Here is a student using his blog to gather information on the whereabouts of his friends.

I know there is a huge debate on blogs as real journalism or just amateur reporting and writing. Journalism is balanced reporting of the facts, no biases, no slants, just facts. Yet this type of Journalism is dying. That's why ratings are at an all time low for networks. That's why Katie Couric was brought to the nightly news, to boost ratings, but guess what, its not working!

Viewers like emotions, debates and opinions along with the facts. That is why shows such as The View and all the many political talk shows are surviving. They offer excitement, arguments and facts. Therefore, blogs which offer opinions along with emotions, facts and reactions can be seen as a news outlet. I feel that the Virgina Tech shootings will help push blogs into the public eye as an important medium for the exchange of facts, questions, opinions and answers.

Now don't get me wrong, I completely understand that many bloggers can lie, exaggerate and not give all the facts. There are no regulations to blogging and I feel that will soon change, at least blogging connected to the exchange of newsworthy events. But before that does happen, as a fellow reader and blogger just be aware of the publisher. I know I take great pride in what I write and publish and I hope others feel the same way.

So, to all you fellow bloggers, please keep writing but with honesty, integrity, wit, charm and caution.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nicholas Kristoff visits SMU

On Tuesday Nicholas Kristoff from the New York Times came to SMU to share with us his on-going coverage of the genocide occurring in Darfur right now as I type this blog. When I first saw him, he looked just like any other Caucasian middle-aged male reporter but as soon as he began to speak, I noticed a fire in his eyes for the people of Darfur. I noticed he has charisma and a talent to go into the middle of no where and get complete strangers to tell him the atrocious things they have endured.

As he showed us picture after picture, and told us story after story, I realized we as the media of the US are not paying much lip service to this crisis. Kristoff did commend college students to being the most passionate and helpful in ending and aiding Darfur, but until the national media gets a true hold on this and stops the obsession with Anna Nicole Smith, thousands of people will keep dying while we await paternity tests.

Granted, the Bush administration is doing more than Clinton ever thought of doing. We have given about $2 million dollars in relief aid, but does this stop the killings and rapes of the innocent? No, we're just providing a band-aid to a wound so deep we haven't begun to understand.

One thing Kristoff said that hit me about the relief we offer is, we can keep handing out food and plastic blankets but in the grand scheme of this genocide it seems "incredibly hallow."

Throughout our history, we as a country have offered aid in many genocides, but we as the media have done little to give it the exposure it deserves. First with the Holocaust, then with Rowanda, and now with Darfur, our media coverage is minimal and the media has the potential to apply the pressures needed to the leaders of our nation and other nations to stop these awful killings and torture.

Kristoff said that each time our media has given coverage to Darfur, the killings decrease and once we turn our eyes to another topic, they increase once again. So, whats a good solution? Cover the raped women, tell the stories of their husbands deaths, and show the orphaned children, and then maybe, this will stop.

I, too, have begun to do my part. After the lecture, I watched as many of Kristoff's multimedia packages given on the New York Times Website. And, I am embarrassed to say that this was the first time I ever saw anything of the sort.

The packages were real. They were raw, filled with natural sounds, hard cuts, close-ups with shaky zooms and pans, but they did more than any smooth, pretty, edited piece I have on broadcast TV news, and that's hard for me to say because my heart lies with broadcast news. But these packages took me into Darfur, they took me into Pakistan, I met women accomplishing extraordinary things against impossible odds. I got teary eyed, and believe me, I don't like to cry.

I was blown away at the power of the Internet and the convergence of media. Until now, I guess I didn't really see it, or maybe I didn't want to see it, but now I do.

These stories had endless possibilities, they could go on as long as needed to tell the story and kept me wanting more. There were no commercial breaks, teases, and headlines; I got exactly what I wanted immediately. The imaged were real and raw, with no need to worry about television restraints and the script was true. Kristoff could say all he wanted without the barriers of TV language. He could even send his own message to the officials of Pakistan to beware, because he was watching their moves. That is journalism with a message, a purpose, a need to continue coverage, which is what every good journalist should strive for.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ron Insana at SMU for the William O'Neil Lecture Series

Unfortunately, I could not attend the lecture of Ron Insana, but after reading the various articles written by my peers and CNBC, I am left with quite a few questions.

First, the premise of the lecture was to inform students on how to use the stock market and its flucuations to thier advantage. Supposedly, one can tell major policitcal events, economic changes, and national catastrophes before they happen by the stock market. This idea is comepletely foreign to me. How is that at all possible?

I, for one, am not the biggest economics expert or understand financial ongoings at all. I wish I did, maybe then I could have picked a major that will pay me big bucks, instead of the low paying, high hours, reporting jobs I am up for. But isn't going to college and picking a major all about what you love to do? Finding your dream job? your passion? Or is it just about finding the hot new career with the big money?

I guess I am a little bit of a dreamer, a romantic optimist, and still believe life is about the blood, sweat, and tears you put into your work, your art, your passion. For me, that is a job that doesn't pay the big money in the beginning but offers rewards to me like traveling, talking to people, getting down to the information of whats happening in our communities.

For others, like Insana, they may find joy in reading the stock market, predicting events, and being ahead of the everyday person like me. I guess that is why SMU invited Insana. To share his wisdom and knowledge to us, the next generation of leaders. And so for that, I am really bummed I missed the lecture, because I am in the most needing of that information.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Waste of Space

Alina Cho recently did a report on models who are to thin, entitled
Eat, eat, you're skin and bones .

Instead of the other possibilities she had for this report: such as a hard-hitting article or column in a newspaper or magazine, or an investigative profile piece for an entertainment broadcast, she chose a multimedia package on CNN's website, which I think was a waste of time and Internet space.

First off, the average visitor to the Clinton News Network, excuse me, I meant CNN is not there to find out the latest trends or whose dating whom in Hollywood. They want politics, they want economic reports, they want more Bush Bashing, not an investigative piece on the eating habits of America's top models.

As journalists, we conduct reports, we write, and we share stories to keep the public informed and I highly doubt that this report is reaching its target audience. Yes, there may be the concerned mother or father who may view it and then talk to their daughter about the dangers of media images, but honestly, do you think that this will actually influence these young girls to maintain a healthy body image?

The target audience is these 13 and 14 year old girls who are in a crucial developmental age in life and need to see these unhealthy images first hand. And last I checked, the typical preteen girl doesn't have CNN.com on her favorites toolbar.

Now, don't get me wrong, I liked the piece, the writing was direct and the reporting was good, but I had to weed through all of the boring pieces CNN specializes in to get to this one. So I highly doubt many other young girls will find it.

In the future, if your piece has a strong and important message, like I think this one does, use a media outlet that will reach your target audience.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Post Secret: Art or Attention?

"Post Secret for me is a bunch of people trying to be artsy but end up failing miserably."
Lisa McDaniel

This month marks the two year anniversary of the worldwide community art project known as Post Secret. The intimate secrets people mail in anonymously on post cards used as art canvases have gained the blog popularity, respect, and a loyal following. People wait anxiously for Sunday to roll around when the new batch of cards are posted, and then they look to see if their card has made the site, what guilty pleasures they can draw from other peoples' secrets, and what secrets of their own would make the blog to earn them their weeks worth of anonymous fame.

But are these post cards in fact true pieces of art work drawn from a worldwide pool of creators or just every day ordinary people exaggerating a little just to get their secret on the web?
My friend Lisa seems to think the latter, which is what sparked my investigation.

Now I must admit, I am one of those people who anxiously await the posting of new secrets on Sunday, but I have never attempted to mail in any of my secrets because for me, my secrets seem to dull to make it on the site. But thousands upon thousands of secrets are mailed in every week vying for a spot on the website which has millions of hits per week, and usually the most rare and shocking secrets make it in on the web; because, as human beings, that is what keeps us coming back.

I am sure that two years ago, when the project had just started, the secrets where understandable, relate-able, and didn't carry the shock value that most do today, but that was when there wasn't much competition. But now, with the popularity of the site and the publishing of three successful books, the twenty or so post cards put on display each week are highly coveted.

I am aware that these cards are anonymous, so immediate fame is not an issue, but I am sure for a person who takes the time to create a post card and mail it in, seeing their secret on the web is rewarding and a confidence booster. Which leads us to the possible exaggeration of secrets, just for a little anonymous recognition.

Not all of the secrets are exaggerations, I am sure, but many are off the wall, kooky, and disturbing. Just take a look at this post card and decide for yourself....
Now, this site was set up as a liberation for peoples' deepest darkest secrets. That's pretty deep, dark, and disturbing. I myself can't imagine gaining any liberation from sending in something like that, or possibly exaggerating a one time deed into a big juicy secret just to get my "artwork" on the web.
I will admit though, I keep going back to see what the next big shocker will be.
Im not a total pessimist as this post may show. There are some inspiring post cards and I hope this card's owner really does accomplish what he/she wants.